
Why Stubs?
January 8, 2012, 8:31 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Years ago, it happened. It was a day like any other day, I remember it clearly. Hanging out with friends, having some laughs probably causing youth type trouble of some kind when I did something most people don’t think twice about, I gave a thumbs up. That is the day my life changed in a profound way and I went from the person I had been my whole life, to Stubs.

See, I have small hands and especially freakishly short thumbs. My feet also follow the same trend (which was always awesome because as it turns out, junior shoes are way cheaper than adult shoes). It’s one of those things in life that you never think about yourself, you’re never self conscious about until someone else points it out and if you’re young and someone is pointing it out, it usually involves pointing, laughing and of course, the new nickname.

All of the nicknames that have come and gone, of course, this is the one that has stuck. Now, it’s become such a part of who I am that when I go home, to my old, life long friends they will grab my arm and take great pride in showing someone new my freakish thumbs exclaiming, “you have to see her thumb” to which the reaction is always the same, a loud, “no way!” followed by them grabbing my hand and comparing mine to theirs in an attempt to assure themselves that they do not have this same short coming.

As any person like me would do in this situation I have learned to use this “situation” to my advantage. I will use my stubs to make others feel better when they’re sad. If I feel like someone needs a pick-me-up, I’ll give them the thumbs up and say, “well at least you’re thumbs aren’t this short.” Usually, their eyes will widen, they’ll grab my arm and of course, compare hand size. It’s a little thing I like to do, to give back. If I can use these thumbs for anything, it should be to help people, cause they sure don’t help me with much. You know, cause they’re short.


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