
A blog for me
February 27, 2012, 12:08 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

As I’ve gotten older, I find myself being more introverted. I find I say a lot less than I used to, use far fewer words in the run of a day. Because of that, I find I notice more, see more, hear more. Most of my friends will tell you that I’m the most observant person they’ve ever met. I think it’s cool…

This is where my love of taking pictures comes in. I am always trying to take a picture of those moments when people are their most candid. I take very few pictures of two people standing with their arms around each other looking at the camera, in fact when I’m taking your picture, you’ll often hear me tell you to look away. To me, those are the real moments. My adventures often overwhelm me, I want them to be well-rounded, so I am often exposing myself to the sad histories of locations, it helps put places in perspective. You can go to the most beautiful tropical island in the world that looks postcard perfect but for me to truly appreciate the beauty you have to understand the history of the land and the people who live there.

My pictures always tell a better story about my adventures than I do. They are filled with those candid moments and rare and remote landscapes I so often find myself in. They are a laugh, they are a real glimpse into that moment, no words required.

My pictures are not altered in anyway. All of these pictures I took myself. I wanted a place where I could look through some of my favorite pictures of all time, and this is now that place. That’s why, this blog is for me. You might as well look too while you’re here. Some of them are pretty badass.


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