
Introducing Sidekick
May 15, 2012, 4:31 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

When writing this blog, I have always tried to keep it more about my adventures and less about me. I’m a pretty private person in general and thought that it would be more fun to keep the mystery alive.

Recently however, in my pictures there has been a man popping up who has not been present in previous posts. It is true. Stubs now has a boyfriend.

There is a comedian that I love name Jeanne Robertson and she refers to her husband as “left brain”. I don’t know what it is about that but it cracks me up every time she says it and I just love the concept. On our recent adventure he and I talked about what such a nickname might be if we were to come up with one for him. Luckily for me, he has a great sense of humour.

After throwing lots of options around, we very naturally came up with Sidekick. He came up with it actually, which makes it that much funnier. In my job, I am always making decisions, giving directions and leading. In my personal life, I could care less about being a boss, which is funny that he would chose that. I much more often feel like his sidekick and I’m completely okay with that!

Either way, Sidekick will be making an appearance from time to time so it was about time to explain the pink elephant in the blog. He and I have gone on some pretty awesome adventures so far and the sky is the limit with this guy, so this could work out to some great blog material.

The great thing about Sidekick is that we do the the things you only see in movies. In Tofino, we found this tiny chocolate shop ( where they make the best chocolate you could ever imagine. Something else that I haven’t mentioned much is the fact that I’ve lost 50lbs since January and that hasn’t come with a diet of these things, that’s for sure. But, it was vacation and they were delicious. Two nights in a row we picked out three chocolates and had them with red wine and coffee. Worth every ounce of guilt that comes with them. Plus, I figured it was good karma for supporting a local business. Highly recommend going in the shop if your around Tofino.

And the adventure continues…


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