
My hilarious Lobster
June 9, 2012, 9:14 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Lobster is my little sister.  You probably could not find two people more different than Lobster and myself. Over the years, we have become best friends, developing a trusting, supportive bond. All that aside, we have some of the funniest conversations you’ve ever heard. They are nonsensical, and never the same twice. I have chosen a few of the best examples from our BBMs.

Lobster: Josh had his surgery today

Me: I already sent him a message

Lobster: Good

Me: Stop hasselin me, I did it already

Lobster: Don’t make me hurt u, cause u know I can

Me: I’m not the least bit worried about you or your puny muscles child. Bring on the heat cause I’m staying in the kitchen. Yea. I went there.

Lobster: Wow. I regret threatening u

Me: That’s what I was going for. Was it too much, or just enough?

Lobster: It was a little heavy on the rude side for my taste

Me: Playa was played. Straight up.

Lobster: hahaha u didn’t play the game u bitch slapped it

Me: Every once in a while someone needs to rock the game. You witnessed history.

Lobster: Lol

Me: You’re welcome ma sista

Days later…

Lobster: Ok, he’s coming to see me?

Me: Sure to see you

Lobster: Nice. I’ll shave my legs for that for sure

Me: I would hope so

Lobster: hahahahaha

Me: At a minimum

Lobster: hahahaha my standards have dropped. I should work on that.

Me: By the sounds of it, they dropped to an unacceptable level

Lobster: Oh, you have no idea – or ever will

Me: Lol, gross

Lobster: It will die with me

Me: The world would appreciate that


Days later…

Me: I want to blog about our conversations – you ok with that?

Lobster: Lol why not

Me: I’d have you approve content

Lobster: Oh for sure. I ran tonight. And not from the police.

About her latest crush on a guy:

Lobster: I never could after the things I have said. I blew it.

Me:  I agree with that. No looking back. It’s a shame really.

Lobster: Lol, unless he gets amnesia that’s my only hope. Or everyone on earth dies but him and I.

Me: Those are the kids of things you shouldn’t wish for.


Just the other day…

Me: You ok?

Lobster: Just bummed.

Me: Anything I can help with? Want me to send you a stripper gram?

Lobster: Lol please. A hot one.

Me: Police officer or fire fighter?

Lobster. Lol both. No emo’s.  One naughty, one nice.  No old bastards.

Me: You’re starting to get a little choosy.

Lobster:  No prepubescent boys. Or spry-staches.

Me: You know what? This is too complicated  now.

Lobster (hours later): Still waiting

Me: I’d say they got terribly lost.

Lobster: hahaha.  I would say.

Me: I’m not paying for over time, tell them that when they get there.

Lobster: I will say that after the job is done. Don’t want corners to be cut.

Me: Well played. You know how to work strippers.

Lobster: I am frugal when it comes to getting what I paid for

Me: That’s probably gotten you ahead in life. Good on ya!

Lobster: Thx. Cheap shmeap, momma gotta get what she paid for.


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