
Icelandic waterfalls and a drive to remember
July 3, 2012, 8:13 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Iceland contains Europe’s most powerful waterfall, Dettifoss. We woke up one morning, eager to do a loop of sights, the highlight of which would be these falls. Three waterfalls in one day, Godafoss, Dettifoss and Selfoss. All were incredible in their own way, and all three were massive. It has been said that once you see Dettifoss in person, you will never be the same.

One of the other amazing things in Iceland is all of the small waterfalls that are just towering over the old volcanic mountains. Many of these have a picturesque farmhouse at the base of them. I don’t think there is one house in Iceland that doesn’t have an amazing view of one landscape or another.

The roads in Iceland go from highway standards to washboard gravel in a short amount of time. Even though your heart sinks because you realize how much slower you’ll have to go, every single time, it would turn out that those roads would reveal some of the most drastic and dramatic changes in landscape I have ever seen. I always knew that Iceland would be amazing in the same way that the Yukon was, just turns out, it’s like the Yukon on steroids. One minute you would see pounding surf, one minute clear craters of old volcanoes, other long stretches of lava flows in various states of freshness. Trees and shrubs were far and few between but in some areas there was a lot of farm land. Iceland farming is growing more and more all the time, so they have to rely less on imports.

One stop on this epic day drive was the Myvatn Nature Baths. This pool is exactly like the Blue Lagoon, just way less crowded, way less touristy and smelled way worse. It was heaven, even the water was warmer. Here, you could feel how hot the source was and you could actually find time to get lost in your thoughts without the distracting sounds of the crowded Blue Lagoon.

Driving in Iceland is the epitome of getting lost in your thoughts. It is hard to grasp what has happened at the core of the earth to shape every unspoiled mile of beauty on that island.


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