
Back to Toronto
November 18, 2012, 12:46 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

The last couple of weeks have been filled with madness. So much has happened around the house, it’s hard to comprehend. I am thrilled with the progress but exhausted at the long hours and physical work that has been required to get to this point. My eye is on the prize though and I know that the end is getting near, although I am perfectly aware there never really is an end to the work.

Luckily to break up this marathon of work, I am heading to Toronto for a few days of quality family time. I have been to Toronto quite a few times in the last 18 months. Last May, my cousin Josh became a quadriplegic after diving off a boat in Ontario. In a family where the cousin list seems to be growing daily, Josh and I have always been close, our birthdays are one day apart.

I have gone to Toronto to celebrate his milestones with him. The first time I went was after his release from the ICU. The first time I saw him, he was in physio for the first time and I’ll never forget how reassured I was when I saw his crazy bearded face smile. He was a bit of a mountain man, but he was determined. Our visit was filled with days of sitting in the hospital with him and trying to figure out what he was saying through his tube. One word he has always been able to communicate clearly has been a four letter word starting with the word “f”. No coincidence, trust me.

Over the last year and a bit I have been amazed at his strength and determination and constant need for presents. You can’t cry but you can bring him presents. He is the first to put smiles on the faces of those around them and through all of his challenges he has been the one to reassure everyone that he was going to be ok. We’re closer today than we have ever been. Plus, Josh’s brothers are two of possibly the cutest kids I have ever met and just as much as I love spending Josh, I like hanging out with them and listening to what is new with them.

This trip to Toronto is all about adventures. I am getting that kid out of the city and into the fresh air. We’re not quite sure how this is going to work yet but we can sure that at the very least it will be a gong show. And, I will blog about it.

I’ve attached a couple of pictures from the house.. the completed pictures are to come soon.


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