
The conclusion of my year ending adventure
January 2, 2013, 7:33 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

One of my favourite things to do when I travel to the islands in BC is to get a private yoga lesson. It is a great way to set a tone for the trip. This time, I tried something new, called Nia. Nia is this combination of dancing, yoga, martial arts and letting go. Throughout the entire lesson, we laughed and laughed but it was actually a really good work out! It was so fun to try something new. Shelly at the Driftwood Inn is a must if you adventure over to Galiano.

I am now 31. I am not the least bit upset about getting older because so far, every year is even more kick ass than the one before it. On my birthday this year, the first thing I did was go to the spa. We had a day booked at the Madrona del Mar Spa at the Galiano Inn. The Inn itself is stunning. Set right on the ocean, it is quite a large place but not at all overwhelming. The spa is to die for. Starting off with a mineral bath and a steam, I was so excited when they took us to the “cabin in the garden” for our massages. I have been lucky enough to have massages all over the world and I have never had one like this. The cabin is situated next to a running stream and that’s all that you hear the whole time you’re getting massaged. Talk about heaven. Now this is how you should turn 31. After that, we each had facials. As if the day wasn’t awesome to that point, during the facial the lady kept telling me how great my skin was and the fact that I would have a baby face for a long time to come. Best present ever!! Even if she was just being nice because it was my birthday, I’ll take it.

Prepping to go home, eating some cheese cake and taking a midnight walk to the ocean. After narrowly missing the ferry, we made it home in one day, 14 hours of travelling.  Another one in the books.


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nice pic’s )))))very nice read as well)

Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2013 02:33:53 +0000 To:

Comment by jerry wipf

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