
Preparing for Micronesia
March 4, 2013, 2:48 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

As my trip to Micronesia approaches, it comes with many emotions. Usually, there is just sheer excitement for me on a trip but the stakes on this one are higher. Preparation is usually my favorite part of any adventure but this one is approached with more of an expedition mentality. The more I learn, the more I realize the prep that is required. This is not getting on an airplane and heading to the beach, this is going into remote territory, away from cell phones and internet into a part of the world that isn’t always welcoming to outsiders.

Any time I research a location, I take the information with a grain of salt. No matter where you go in the world, there is good and bad people and depending on what your personal experience and expectations are, you will determine ones react to a different culture. Although it is key to understand and prepare yourself for new cultural norms, you can’t make your mind up until you get there yourself.

Cultural differences aside, the danger in this trip lies in the diving itself. Since I started diving at the age of 18, I have learned how important it is to have a healthy fear of diving. Not being afraid to dive but being aware and respectful of the danger you take on every time you splash. I have spent the last few years learning about diving and the hazards involved but more importantly trying to understand why and how people die diving. As morbid as it sounds, one of the most important tools available to you as a diver is the information that comes from the death of those doing the same dives. Learning and trying to prevent the same outcome is paramount in my opinion.

I approach this trip cautiously but overall very excited and humbled to be able to dive a location like this. Other divers dream of a trip to Truk Lagoon and I am lucky enough to dive it at a relatively young age. I will take it all in, respect those who have lost their lives there (around 3,000 souls) and enjoy the moments as they come. With no phone or internet availability until I get back to the island of Weno, my friends and family will have a long seven nights of to hear confirmation of my safe return and see my pictures from the deep depths of the ocean. 🙂


2 Comments so far
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I wonder how long you planned for this you never do any planning..))

Comment by Just me

You are a brave soul with a heart for adventure, I wish you great success and come home safe.

Comment by Cheryl

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