
Haidi Gwaii Part II
July 29, 2013, 7:14 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

The north island was more populated than the south. With the small towns like Masset and Queen Charlotte, there was lot of awesome shopping in these towns of art by local artists and books. For the size of the towns, there was enough to get a good flavor for local culture.

The Haidi culture is impressive and the pride amongst the Haidi people is apparent. Their art, customs and stories are known by people of all generations. The family ties are strong here.

The short ferry ride to Moresby Island is just as stunning as the ride from Prince Rupert. Upon a recommendation from the neighbour at the previous campsite, the destination this time was Gray Bay, where I was told is where all the locals camp. This place didn’t disappoint. Campsites right on the beach, if it was possible, even a nicer beach than North Beach.

Again, wandering the beaches and rainforest was the priority. The town closest to the campsite, Sandspit was little but had most of what was required. When it came time to refuel, no problem, just call the number on the door and the gas lady shows up a few minutes later on her bike to fill you up.

One of the cool spots that was discovered was Secret Cove. A short hike brought you to a small cove. In this cove, you felt like you were the only person on the planet. In a short time, eagles were soaring overhead and out of the woods popped a mother deer and her baby, who looked just as surprised to see me as I saw them.
