
Day two with cow sharks and playing with cape fur seals
February 12, 2014, 11:19 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Today was back to boat diving. The first dive was to a place known for being able to interact with cape fur seals. The start to the dive was a bit rough as the surge was pretty powerful and was knocking us around quite a bit. You would swim forward, then the surge would come and push you backwards and once it was going the other way, would launch you forward at super speed. The whole time trying to avoid getting pounded into the rocks, or pushed against a wall full of sea urchins. Once you finally got used to the rhythm of the whole thing you could actually enjoy the beauty of the location. And it wasn’t long before the seals came out to play. They have to be one of the most graceful animals to watch and not only that, they’re just a beautiful animal. Big eyes, big whiskers and they look right at you. They entice you to play, they show off their grace. They really are just a pleasure to be around.

Dive #1
54 ft

The second dive was back with the cow sharks. Although initially I was a little bummed about doing the same dive again when there are so many amazing sites here in South Africa, I was quickly glad to be back. contrary to the playful, graceful seals, the cow sharks are suspicious looking. It’s as if they like to catch you off guard, coming up behind you when you least expect it. A demonstration that you are in their world. At one time, I had three circling around me and it was a bit overwhelming, I have to admit. Even though your told they don’t attack people, there is still that little voice in your head that asks… is this the day? Is this the shark that decides to try? I found myself smiling on this dive, glad to be back and to have one more experience with another apex predator of the sea.

Dive #2


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