
African wrap up
March 16, 2014, 8:53 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

It is hard to describe the effect that a place like Africa can have on you. It’s everything about the place. The landscape, the people, the animals and sometimes simply the elements of the earth. There is an energy that draws you in and simply just makes you happy.

My time on the safari left me with memories that I’ll take with me forever and a wish to one day make it back to that amazing continent. It’s not often I travel somewhere and immediately look forward to returning. Micronesia matched Africa in that way.

Tanda Tula Safari Camp was, in my eyes, perfection. Simple, elegant and well thought out, a traveller looking to have a close to nature experience but still enjoy the comforts of life, I highly recommend this slice of heaven. From the moment you arrive, you feel like you’re part of a family. The attention to detail is impressive without being lavish, you are, after all, still in the African bush. The staff were honestly mind-blowing. They actually cared about ensuring you had the best adventure possible. When they asked you if you enjoyed your day, they meant it. They shared their cultures, stories about their families and were genuinely interested in learning about each person who stayed there. If ever traveling to South Africa, look them up. You won’t be disappointed.

The pictures tell the best story of my adventures. Enjoy.
