
Family road trip
April 27, 2014, 9:23 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Josh has been itching to star in a blog for some time now. After all of our mini one day road trips it was time for us to get some serious miles in.

Bob and I flew to Pittsburgh to meet up with Josh and a few other guys. It being my first trip there, I was really pleasantly surprised by the city. The architecture is actually pretty awesome and the city is the kind of place you could walk around and just look at buildings.

The first night Bob and I ate at a local well known pub called Fat Heads, which was a cool spot. As we were sitting there, Bob noticed that a bunch of the LA Kings were also eating there. It was a great start.

The next day, while waiting for the other guys to arrive, Bob and I got to check out the Pens and the Kings practice at Consol Arena. When we first arrived and sat down, we were the only two people sitting in the stands in the entire arena. It was a pretty amazing feeling. I’ve been able to see a few NHL games in my life and it’s by far my favorite sport to watch and this was a cool change from the pace and volume that comes with a game. You can’t help but admire the skill these guys have. We had the chance to walk around the arena and it seemed like we were totally alone. You kind of felt like a kid in a candy store. After watching the practices, we went for lunch at a restaurant owned by the Penguins and as if on cue, Mario Lemieux and his wife walked past the outside of the restaurant just walking down the street.

Once the other guys arrived from Toronto, we hit our first game. Pens vs. Kings, followed by a road trip to Columbus, Ohio where we had other cousins and family. We got to catch Pens vs Blue Jackets. The next day, some of my cousins who I don’t get to see often came to the hotel to swim in the pool. I have a pretty massive family on one side, so to get to spend time with them in something I really enjoy. Especially the young ones, they’re all so cute!

Two nights in Columbus and we were headed back to Pittsburgh to catch the game vs the Black Hawks. After the game, we got to have a tour of the Pens dressing room which was epic. The entire facility is incredibly impressive and it was even better experiencing it with my brother and Josh.

Check out the pics, it’s as cool as it looks.
