
Relaxing on Quadra Island, BC
May 21, 2014, 9:21 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

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The islands off of BC’s mainland are numerous and extremely special. Each one has its own personality and charm. They are all relaxing, filled with places to explore and for the most part, filled with very lovely people always willing to chat or share inside information. Any time of the year you can come to one of these islands and it feels like spring. The grass is green, mist is in the air and you can’t escape the fresh smell.

Quadra was an easy trip after a cheap flight came my way. Flying to Comox, driving to Campbell River and then taking the ferry to the island, including stopping for food and drinks was less than four hours. A cabin on the ocean was a pretty ideal way to spend four nights.

There are several shops on Quadra filled with gifts made locally. There are some little grocery stores and a few awesome restaurants. I stayed at Taku Resort, located right across from the picturesque Rebecca Spit Provincial Park.

Some of the highlights were… seeing dolphins!! On two separate occasions I spotted a small pod of dolphins, which was a great thrill. Another highlight was the fascinating visit to Nuyumbalees Cultural Center. This center was filled with some of the most beautiful masks and incredible articles of history. The staff members were so sweet and happy to take the time to share their stories and history with us personally. It felt like a real honor to have almost a personal tour of the center. Outside of the center and around the island are really amazing petroglyphs.
