
A trip to the East coast of Canada
September 10, 2014, 8:10 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

A trip home is never dull but it sure can be exhausting!

Starting off in PEI, we stayed in a lighthouse for two nights, which is one of the coolest things I’ve ever done. West Point Lighthouse is unique in it’s style and the fact that you can actually rent a room INSIDE the lighthouse tower! The fact that it is apparently haunted by Lighthouse Keeper Willy was not enough to keep us away. You actually pass through the museum and there are artifacts in the hallway just outside the door. Early in the morning, you can hear people coming to visit the top of the lighthouse. Although Willy did not make an appearance, the lighthouse has a special place in my heart, and I really look forward to going back one day.

After West Point, we headed to Cavendish for a quasi-family reunion, which was awesome. I played golf for the first time in my life and I have to say, I really enjoyed it. Playing with my family and having some laughs along the way made it that much more enjoyable.

One of my favorite stops in PEI is Greenwich National Park. This is visually one of my favorite places in all of Canada and the best part is – it’s not iodinated with big groups of people. So, in addition to having an amazing national park at your doorstep, at times, you feel like you’re the only person there.

From PEI was a trip to Cape Breton to spend time with my grandparents. After Sydney, we drove the Cabot Trail, which I haven’t done in years. The beauty, spirit and energy of Cape Breton never cease to amaze me. There are no words really. Cape Breton just makes me happy.

Back on the mainland, it was time to celebrate the wedding of two good friends, which we couldn’t have been happier about. Seeing old friends, having laughs and probably a few too many drinks was just what the doctor ordered!

I have been trying for years to get back to White Point Beach Resort. Very early on in my time with the Boys and Girls Club, I had a conference to attend there. Only about 21 years old, I remember being completely taken back by the beauty of that place and I vowed one day to go back. Finally this year, the star aligned and I found myself back in one of those oh so amazing beach front cabins. The beach at White Point is stunning but the other awesome part is that it’s so close to Liverpool, Lunenburg and all of those beautiful south shore locations.

One evening, we had a rented a sail boat to sail through Lunenburg harbour and the views were stunning. Years ago, Poncho and I had hiked the sea caves in Lunenburg and this time, I got to see them from the ocean, which was pretty cool.

Did a dive in a little harbour in LaHave, NS. The place used to be the dump site back at the turn of the century, so there were lots of cool little treasures to be found there. Saw some seriously huge lobsters which was kind of cool and also three one-armed lobsters, who were no less feisty with one less claw!
