
The Bumpy Road to Micronesia
April 6, 2015, 12:55 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Over the last few months, my excitement for my return to Micronesia has been building. I first had the opportunity to dive there in 2013 and have been eager to go back as soon as possible. My dad decided that he was going to come too, so we booked the first availability on The Odyssey, which was May 2015.

About a month ago, I was getting ready to get off a bus on the airstrip at work, when I dislocated my knee moving laterally. It was pretty painful and was a huge set back. I was on crutches for almost two weeks and during that time, I had a family trip to Pittsburgh, where, while having a few drinks, I managed to give myself a black eye when I bottled myself on a beer bottle. I cut my eye, leaving me with a sweet boxer cut over my eye. So, walking through Pittsburgh with a brace on my leg, cut and black eye, I was having a hard time blending in.

Everyday, my knee gets a little bit better. I now know that I tore my LCL, which is the ligament that keeps my knee from dislocating. Ironically, I tore it because it wasn’t doing a very good job apparently. I had and still continue to have quite a bit of fluid built up on it which is restricting my movement quite a bit. I can go up stairs (although not very gracefully) but still am not quite ready to go down stairs. At this point to try to get ready for my trip, I have been seeing my doctor, an acupuncturist, a massage therapist, physiotherapist and an osteopath.

After being to the doctor and being told that I would be able to dive and didn’t require surgery, I was pumped! That was until I heard about the Typhoon. Turns out a massive typhoon hit Chuuk and there were concerns that the boat we were going to be diving from was damaged. There was a couple of days where we were pretty sure the trip was going to be postponed. Although the disappointment was hard to hide, it was hard to feel too bad because the islands of Micronesia were devastated and there were several deaths. A few days ago, we found out that although the boat was damaged, it should be ready to go in the middle of May. The first tour scheduled to take place, if there is no more delays, will be ours. it is nail bitingly close!
