
Finally Exploring the American Northwest… with Tiny!
June 12, 2015, 9:56 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Tiny and Stubs are on the road again.

After having fun in Pittsburgh, we decided it best to hit the road, and Oregon was on the agenda. Not quite Micronesia but I’ll take it!

We drove to Cranston, BC and stayed there for the night in a hotel that was really great on the outside décor but seriously lacking on the inside. Drunk guys staying next door made the night for even more of a pleasurable experience.

Luckily we woke up early, crossed the border without delay and began enjoying the beautiful drive to Oregon. The driving is pretty good and the landscape is always changing. From lush think forest in some places to desert in others and everything in between.

The first stop on the coast was in Tillamook, Oregon, where we camped in the Barview Jetty Campground. The campground was awesome, the people were friendly and we could hear the ocean surf the whole time we were in our campsite. We spend a day at Cannon Beach, did some shopping, walked about 19km and ate some good food.


Cortes Island, BC
June 12, 2015, 9:08 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

One of my favorite things to do to getaway is head to the west coast. Recently I went to Cortes Island, BC and loved it just as much as the other islands in the gulf between Vancouver and Vancouver Island.

My favourite part was climbing through the woods near the old homesteads on the island and finding the old cars all piled up, nature slowing taking them back. It was fun to explore

Check out my pics!
