
Majuro, Marshall Islands
March 9, 2016, 7:44 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

When you travel over 8000km over the Pacific Ocean to get to a tiny island, you  might as well explore other tiny islands while you’re there. Majuro is not part of Micronesia but part of a chain of islands called the Marshall Islands. These islands are relatively unknown but if you know the story of Bikini Atol and the nuclear testing that occurred there, the Marshall Islands are in that same neighborhood and the Marshalese people were subjected to the same testing.

The island itself is one big sandbar. One main road goes through the island, Lagoon Road. The entire island is under 10km2. It’s pretty hard to fathom. Traveling from Truk to Majuro, it is a different vibe. Majuro, although still a poor island by many standards, is a world ahead of the islands in Micronesia. All of the homes here have power, plumbing and the hospital was quite impressive.

We took a boat tour to one of the surrounding islands of the atol two of the days we were here. The beach was amazing and the snorkeling was stellar. I saw a tiny baby shark for the first time, it was so cute!

I have a bunch of pictures of some of the grocery products from the island. It was amazing how much stuff on the shelves was expired, or clearly had been used. One of my favorite things to do on the island was to just roam the stores and observe the kinds of things that make their way to these tiny islands!
