
Diving in Truk Part One
June 28, 2016, 6:15 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Seeing as I delayed writing this blog for so long, I am going to put together a few dives per blog and upload the pics more generally.

Dive #1 Kiyosumi Maru, max depth 75ft.

I have to admit, this was by far the worst dive of my life.  A number of factors came together to require me to breathe off of a buddy regulator for the first time ever. A mix of nerves, complacency and being not set up to my liking with my gear resulted in me blowing through my air faster than I ever have in my life. Not much stands out for me besides my life flashing before my eyes, the bow gun and seeing my first human remains of the trip, a skull.

Dive #2 Kiysoumi Maru, max depth 67ft, 39min dive.  450′ Merchant Raider

This was a much better dive.  I adjusted my gear, took a deep breath and took the plunge again. No better way to bounce back then to get right back on the bike. I didn’t bring my camera behind, as I had a new set up that I was trying out that contributed to my blunder on the previous dive. Took my time to enjoy the corals and fish.

Dive #3, Yamagiri Maru, max depth 89ft, 39min dive

This dive we saw 14″ bomb shells. This dive we swam through the torpedo hole which ultimately took down the ship. This ship was in repair at the time of the attack. It was cool to see how the ship was being repaired.

Dive #4, Yamagiri Maru, max depth 90ft, 42min dive

First engine room tour of the trip. There is really no way to describe one of these tours. Multi level, dives filled with huge boilers, piping, pumps, valves, catwalks gauges and so much more. In these parts of the ships, there is generally little to no natural light and the hazards are plentiful.

This wreck has an extremely unique sight on the inside of the wreck. As the ship was in repair when the attack happened, the ships engineer was inside the engine room trying to get the boat going to escape the lagoon. Unfortunately for him, his efforts were in vain, and his finger bones are fused to an I beam. Just adjacent to that, embedded in the ceiling, is his skull. I did see this sight on my first trip to Truk and I have to say, it was just as hit me just as hard this time.

Dive #5, Night dive on Yamagiri, max depth 71ft, 41min dive

Saw some cool crabs that only feed at night. They’re funny. Machine that are just constantly shoveling crap off the ocean floor into their mouths. Lots of sponges and cucumbers to be found, lots of things that were blooming and active that you don’t get to see during the day.


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