
Beautiful Nicaragua
February 1, 2017, 7:24 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

As the end of my time in this beautiful country comes to end, I am only left with good memories of this place and go home, as much hoped, relaxed and ready to face real life again.

The people here are amazing. Full of smiles, ready to help and genuinely want you to enjoy their country to the max. When people are telling you about things or places they think you should see, there is no sense of selling it, rather an endorsement from someone who loves their country. I found this to be true everywhere I went. No one was pushy here, no one seemed to have an agenda, they just really, really love their country.

My time on Little Corn Island was really amazing. My diving was really fun and as I had hoped, laid back. Not only that though, the culture on the island is still so unique. Despite being a good hub for tourists, there is not one single vehicle on the island. There is a sidewalk that runs through the main part of town and good goods are moved via a wagon of sorts. Some people have horses and that is the speediest way you can get anywhere. People still look you in the eye when you pass them on this sidewalk, they wish you good morning. There is an amazing sense of community here and I can understand why people return again and again to this tiny destination. My walk from my hotel into the dive shop was just over a half an hour and I really came to look forward to it. It was a peaceful walk where I preoccupied my thoughts with my irrational fear of a tarantula falling from the trees above onto my head. Although it never happened, I didn’t let my guard down, just in case.

After Little Corn, I went by car almost three hours to the Pacific coast and stayed in a place called San Juan del Sur. The beach here is really nice but I have to say, overall not my kind of town. I’m about ten years too late to enjoy this place to the max. It is filled with bars everywhere you look and this was this first place in Nicaragua people tried to sell you things from the beach or when you at a restaurant. Although these can be qualities people come to expect in certain destinations, it was in contrast to my experience in the rest of the country. Nonetheless, the topography here is very different than the other places I had visited, and I took the time to read my book (about Arctic exploration before 1921, funny book to read when it’s 35c outside!), wander the streets and get lost in my own thoughts. Not a bad way to spend two days.

A few pictures from my remaining few days in Nicaragua.
