
January 2022
January 8, 2022, 1:53 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

For many reasons, my life has come full circle. Back in my happy place in Waiparous, puggles running around my feet. Now, there are two puggles. My little guy Poutine is as funny as he looks. Caper, almost 13 now, is still queen of the forest, still causing as much trouble as always.

Some pictures from two recent trips to Vancouver Island. Poncho and I made good use of our time on the island during my 40th birthday trip. Oswego Hotel downtown Victoria was a great boutique hotel with awesome rooms and the ever amazing Point No Point Resort, which has long been a favourite of both Caper and I.

A few pictures in the middle of the gallery to my northern Vancouver Island trip this summer where I got to check out Port Hardy for the first time, as well had some nice downtown in the Sookepoint Resort Cottages. You can see the desk overlooking the ocean was puggle approved.

More blogs to come in 2022… stay tuned.
