
Saqqara, Egypt. The Old Kingdom.

Saqarra is home to the oldest pyramid that’s ever been discovered, the step pyramid of Saqqara. Apparently many people skip this portion of Egypt which, I would not recommend. The highlight here for me was being able to still see paint on the walls inside the tombs.

The hydrophilics here are are insanely awesome. It provides the perfect opportunity for my guide to explain the basics of how to read them and how they flowed throughout the tombs into the main chambers. It’s really cool to start to piece together some of the patterns and meanings and it’s very easy to see how one would get swept up in the whole study of it.

Saqqara, Egypt.
Saqqara, Egypt
Saqqara, Egypt
Saqqara, Egypt
Stars on the roof. Saqqara, Egypt
Saqqara, Egypt
Saqqara, Egypt
Saqqara, Egypt
Saqqara, Egypt
Saqqara, Egypt
Saqqara, Egypt
Saqqara, Egypt
The oldest know Egyptian pyramid. Saqqara, Egypt
Entering the pyramid. Saqqara, Egypt
Saqqara, Egypt
Saqqara, Egypt
Saqqara, Egypt
Door to the afterlife inside a tomb.
Saqqara, Egypt
The statue is a replica but the picture is cool. Saqqara, Egypt
Saqqara, Egypt
Saqqara, Egypt
Sacrifice for the King.
Saqqara, Egypt
Door to the afterlife. Saqqara, Egypt


Pyramids, Tombs and New Friends
October 27, 2022, 3:31 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , ,

Today was a very full day. Starting bright and early, we kicked off the day at the Great Pyramids of Giza. There was a moment where we were in traffic and I saw a glimpse of one. I froze. I wasn’t expecting it and it took my breath away. I think the last time I felt that way was the first time I saw the Rocky Mountains.

My first glimpse.

I am so lucky to have an amazing guide here. He has his Masters in Egyptology, I mean… could I have lucked out anymore than that?

Breathtaking. Pyramids Of Giza, Egypt
My annual selfie
The fact that they still cannot prove how these were built and the mystery behind it is even more awe inspiring when you see it yourself. The stones are insanely huge
The Kings ship was buried here to accompany him in the afterlife
A temple for one of his wives. And those stinky ass camels!
Pyramid of Khafre, which was the one I went inside (entry into pyramids is extra)
Climbing through the Pyramid of Khafre
This is where being Stubs is an advantage. That doesn’t happen often!
Graffiti from grave robbers. Pyramid of Khafre
Inside the Pyramid of Khafre
So quiet. Pyramid of Khafre
Still trying to believe my own eyes
And then, to the Sphinx
The mummification building leading to the Sphinx
The Sphinx. Giza, Egypt
The Sphinx. Giza, Egypt
The tail of the Sphinx. Giza, Egypt
The Sphinx. Giza, Egypt

After what seemed like a dream, we headed to do some shopping where I got to experience two of Egypts great treasures, essential oils and papyrus paper

Government approved shop for essential oils, perfume bottles, and crystal. The Golden Eagle Crystal Shop.
Government approved shop for essential oils, perfume bottles, and crystal. The Golden Eagle Crystal Shop.
Then I met the glass blower who makes many items here. His father and grandfather were also glass blowers.
We very quickly became friends
This was so much fun

Preparation of the papyrus plant to make paper
Papyrus paper process
Rameses II statue. Memphis, Egypt.
Rameses II statue. Memphis, Egypt.
Rameses II statue. Memphis, Egypt.
Memphis, Egypt
Memphis, Egypt
Memphis, Egypt
Memphis, Egypt


Egypt, Finally.

Ever since I can remember, it was Egypt. The history of this place (which I’m only realizing how little I actually knew) has always been something that just stirs my soul. More than once, I thought it was time to travel here and for one reason or another, or perhaps just fate, now is the time I have finally made it. And, I’m ready.

Being on such a long and difficult journey the last year and a bit, I knew I needed something to shake me awake again. I needed to start finding myself again but in a big way. Losing your best friend and your partner forces you to reimagine life as you thought you knew it. Thinking about that made it clear why Egypt has eluded me all these years, it was meant to be right now.

This morning, my new friend Moustafa Mohsen took me to a variety of churches around Cairo and to The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization. While there, I saw my first few mummies and was able to start to understand the evolution of Egyptian society. There are no words, just humility and reverence.

The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.
The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.
The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.
The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.
Carving on a wooden chariot. The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.
The king depicted crushing his enemies. The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.
The first known prosthetic, made for a Queen. The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.
The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.
The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.
The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.
Understandably, photos are not permitted in the area where the mummies are kept. The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.

After getting more information in my brain in the shortest amount of time possible, we headed to Old Cairo and visited three separate Churches.

Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church. Cairo, Egypt.

The first, Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church, also known as Abu Serga, in Coptic Cairo. In this church, Joseph his Mary and Jesus stayed during their journey to Egypt.

Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church. Cairo, Egypt.
Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church. Cairo, Egypt.
Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church. Cairo, Egypt.
The ceiling in some of these old churches are references to Noah’s Ark. Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church. Cairo, Egypt.
Saint Virgin Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church. The “hanging church”, known for being suspended in the air by pillars. The city has been built around it so the outside isn’t as obvious what a cool structure this is.
Saint Virgin Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church. The “hanging church”. Cairo, Egypt
Saint Virgin Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church.
Saint Virgin Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church
You could have an entire blog just about the doors. Saint Virgin Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church
Saint Virgin Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church
Saint Virgin Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church

Tomorrow, I lay my eyes on the Great Pyramids for the first time.


The Demo Begins
October 2, 2022, 4:30 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

The last few weeks have been busy preparing for the upcoming renovation. This phase represents the last big scope of work and then my dream home is almost complete.

Old garage and front entrance
Shed and front entrance
Front of old garage

I’ve been working with Ongrowing Works out of Cochrane, AB. They have been fun to work with and through them worked with the designers at Sociis Design, who have done such an amazing job

Garage is gone now
See ya later shed

The river valley has been amazing the last few weeks. We’ve been wandering around in the woods more than usual and it’s been fun because the weather here has been dreamy this fall.

The Ghost River
Poutine exploring The Ghost River valley
This deer hung out in there all summer
They like it here
The Spring surge
