
Poncho and Stubs take Kauai
July 10, 2023, 9:34 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I never did post any pictures from this fun trip with Poncho I loved the sleepy island of Kauai. Amazing food, fun adventures and great snorkelling made for another amazing trip.


Poncho at our fancy breakfast to celebrate this first morning
Kauai, Hawaii
Eucalyptus trees. Kauai, Hawaii
I love any creative safety solutions
I mean. Yes, please.
Just asked for a birthday barf bag!
We might be excited
Kauai, Hawaii
Kauai, Hawaii
Kauai, Hawaii
Kauai, Hawaii
So many waterfalls. Kauai, Hawaii
Ponchos actual white knuckles lol
Kauai, Hawaii
Kauai, Hawaii
Nepali Coast. Kauai, Hawaii
Nepali Coast. Kauai, Hawaii
Nepali Coast, Kauai
Quality time with the top down

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